ENEE 206

February 17, 2004

Laboratory 4 - Arithmetic Circuits

A. Lab Goals

B. Background Reading

C. Definitions

D. Laboratory Equipment

E. New Hardware

There are secveral new components that may be used for this lab.

F. Circuit Analysis

Single bit half-adder is shown in Fig. 4.2.

Full-bit Adder

(Hint: replace AND-OR diagram with NAND diagram.)

Laboratory 4A(-F) Description


To design, build, and test addition and subtraction circuits using TTL chips and M = 5.

Available Hardware:: Digital component box - see Appencix G.

Pre-lab preparation:

    Part I - Single bit full-adder

  1. Design a single bit full-adder using only NAND and XOR gates. Try to use as few components as possible.

  2. Draw both the logic and the wiring diagrams.

  3. Use PSpice to simulate the 1-bit adder when driven by a divide-by-16 counter. Plot the simulated results for the input bits, the carry in, the sum bit and the carry out.

    Part II - Four bit adder circuit

  4. Utilizing a 74283 adder chip, draw both the logic and the wiring diagrams for a circuit which adds two 4-bit numbers. Use a DIP switch to manually adjust one of the members and counter to generate the other number.

  5. Use PSpice to simulate this 4-bit adder. Drive one input number with a divide-by-16 counter. Set the other input to M:5. Plot the simulated results for the variable input bits and the output bits.

    Part III - Four bit adder/subtractor circuit

  6. Design a circuit which either adds or subtracts one 4-bit number from another 4-bit number depending on the status of a control bit SUB (= 1 means subtract).You may use a 74283 adder chip. Use a DIP deiyvh yo msnually adjust the number which is added or subtracted and a counter to generate the second 4-bit number. Also use a DIP switch to set the SUB control bit. Assume a two's complement approach.

  7. Draw both the logic and the wiring diagrams.
    See a sample plot.

Experimental Procedure:

During this experiment, be certain that you:

Post-lab analysis:

Generate a lab report following the sample report available in Appendix A. Mention any difficulties encountered during the lab. Describe any results that were unexpected and try to accoundt for the origin of these results(i.e. explain what happened). In ADDITION, answer the following questions:

    Part II or III (answer if you did either part)

  1. What is the uncertainty in the delay measurements?

  2. How did the simulated delay times compare to the measured times?

  3. Did you expect to see any glitches in the output measurements? Why, or why not?

  4. Did you observe any glitches in the outpur measurements? If so, can you explain their origin?

    Part II and III (answer only if you did BOTH parts)

  5. How did the delay times of the two different adder circuits compare?

    Part III

  6. What was the variation in the experimental delay time of the least significant sum bit as a function of the total input state(see experimental step III.8)?

    Part IV - Four bit subtractor circuit

  7. Did the subtraction circuit have any addigtional glitches compared to the adder circuit?

University of Maryland