Parametric Analysis

Simulation of the a Half-wave Rectifier

  1. In Capture CIS, create a new project hw-rectifier.opj.

  2. Draw a schematic of a half-wave rectifier as shown below.

    The parts used are VSIN/SOURCE for V1, 0/SOURCE for ground, D1N4148 fot diode, C for C1, and R for R1. PARAMETERS will be added later.

  3. Doubl-click the value of (1n) of part C1 to display the Display Properties dialog box.

  4. In the Value text box, replace 1n with {Cval} (with curly braces) then click OK.

  5. Repeat the same for the properties of V1 setting the values VOFF=0, VAMPL=5, and FREQ=60.

To add a PARAM part to declare the parameter Cval

  1. From Capture's Place menu, choose Part (or Shift + p).

  2. In the Part text box, type PARAM, then click OK.

  3. Place one PARAM part in any open area on the schematic page.

  4. Double-click the PARAM part to display the Parts spreadsheet, then click New Column....

  5. In the Property Name text box, enter Cval (no curly braces), then click OK.

    This creates a new property for the PARAM part, as shown by the new column labeled Cval in the spreadsheet.

  6. Click in the cell below the Cval column and enter 0 as the initial value of the parameteric sweep.

  7. While this cell is still selected, click Display.

  8. In the Display Format frame, select Name and Value, then click OK.

  9. Close the Parts spreadsheet.

  10. From the File menu, choose Save to save the disign.

To set up and run a parametric analysis to step the value of C1 using Cval

  1. From Capture's PSpice menu, choose New Simulation Profile. The New Simujlation dialog box appears.

  2. In the Name text box, type Parametric.

  3. From the Inherit From list, select AC Sweep, then click Create. The Simulation Setting dialog box appears.

  4. Click the Analysis tab.

  5. Under Options, select Parametric Sweep and enter the settings as shown below.

  6. Click OK.

  7. From the PSpice menu, choose Run to start the analysis.