Manuscript Submission
In addition to the two page abstract submitted to the conference, authors may optionally submit a full manuscript to be considered for publication in a special issue of Solid State Electronics. The deadline for manuscript submission is December 7 at the Symposium. Only papers which have been presented at the conference will be considered for publication.
Procedure for submitting the manuscript
- All manuscripts must be accompanied with a cover letter indicating the names of three potential reviewers who are not affiliated with the authors.
- Both the cover letter and manuscript must be in PDF or MS-Word format.
- Only electronic submissions will be accepted. The manuscript and cover letter may be submitted prior to the meeting as attachments to an email sent to Please indicate "SSE Submission" in the subject line. The manuscript and cover letter may be submitted on December 7th at the symposium on a CD labelled with the title of the manuscript and the name of the first author.
Manuscripts should have a length of 6 to 10 journal pages and must describe original, substantial work of high quality, suitable for the journal.
All submitted manuscripts must comply with the publishing guidelines specified by Solid State Electronics. Please visit the following link for complete instructions on preparing a manuscript and artwork for submission to Solid State Electronics: