Booz Allen Colloquium: "Saving the World Together, One Server at a Time," P. Ranganathan, HP

Friday, September 9, 2011
3:00 p.m.
1110 Jeong H. Kim Engineering Bldg.
Carrie Hilmer
301 405 4471

Booz Allen Hamilton Distinguished Colloquium in Electrical and Computer Engineering

"Saving the World Together, One Server at a Time"

Dr. Partha Ranganathan
Hewlett Packard


Power and energy management, and more recently environmental sustainability, are emerging as central issues in systems design. The next order-of-magnitude improvements in these areas will come from rethinking how we approach and optimize energy efficiency -- "holistically" across traditional design boundaries. This talk will discuss several such optimizations from the data-centric data center project at HP Labs, specifically focusing on a new system architecture approach called "nanostores." Our nanostore-based design leverages emerging non-volatile memories and optics to eliminate nonessential caching layers and provide balanced computation co-located with the data. Such a design, cross-cutting the technology, architecture, and software layers, can achieve significant improvements in energy efficiency (10X-50X).


Partha Ranganathan is a distinguished technologist at Hewlett Packard Labs where he currently leads a large initiative on future data-centric data centers. His research interests are in systems architecture and manageability, energy-efficiency, and systems modeling and evaluation. He has done extensive work in these areas including key contributions around energy-aware user interfaces, heterogeneous multi-core processors, power capping and power-aware server designs, federated enterprise power management, energy modeling and benchmarking, disaggregated blade server architectures, and most recently, storage hierarchy and systems redesign for non-volatile memory. He was also one of the primary developers of the publicly distributed Rice Simulator for ILP Multiprocessors (RSIM). Dr. Ranganathan's work has led to several commercial products and has been featured in various venues including the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Business Week, San Francisco Chronicle, Times of India, Slashdot, Youtube, and Tom's hardware guide. Dr. Ranganathan has been named one of the world's top young innovators by MIT Technology Review, and has been recognized with several other awards including Rice University's Outstanding Young Engineering Alumni award. Dr. Ranganathan received his B.Tech degree from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras and his M.S. and Ph.D. from Rice University, Houston.

Audience: Campus  Clark School  All Students  Graduate  Undergraduate  Prospective Students  Faculty  Staff  Post-Docs  Corporate 

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