Me Seminar | Recent Advances in Cooling Technology

Monday, July 21, 2014
10:30 a.m.
DeWALT Seminar Room, 2164 Glenn L. Martin Hall
Jungho Kim

Mechanical Engineering Seminar Series

Recent Advances in Cooling Technology

Speaker: Sung Jin Kim, Ph.D.
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

The development of cooling technology has been an important element in the successful development of industrial and commercial systems for more than 50 years. This has been especially true during the past decade as electronic components have shrunk while increasing performance, and industrial processes have grown to require ever better cooling performance. Today cooling is viewed as a bottleneck technology necessary to the successful development of future electronic systems.

This talk is intended to provide a perspective and review of the state-of-the-art cooling and thermal management technology used by important industrial and commercial systems. Some of the latest cooling technology utilizing air, water, or direct liquid immersion will be discussed with examples of application both in the USA, Japan, and Korea. This talk will conclude with a brief overview of research activities in the Applied Heat Transfer Lab at KAIST.

Dr. Sung Jin Kim is a Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). Until joining KAIST in July 1997, he was a group leader of Thermal Engineering Center at the IBM Tucson Laboratory for 7 years. He received a Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Ohio State University in 1989. For 5 years his research group at KAIST held National Research Lab status. Recently, he was awarded a prestigious 9 year grant by Korea’s Creative Research Initiative to develop Flexible and Thin Thermal Superconductors. He is a member of Korean Academy of Science and Technology, an ASME Fellow and has received Scientific Achievement Award from KSME, Excellent Teaching Awards from KAIST, two Invention Achievement Awards and five Author Recognition Awards from IBM. He edited a book entitled Air Cooling Technology for Electronic Equipment.

Link to PDF flyer.

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