Davis, Larry
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Larry S. Davis is a Professor in the Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS) and the Department of Computer Science (CS). He is affiliated with the Computer Vision Laboratory of the Center for Automation Research, for which he served as the head from 1981-1986.
1) Visual surveillance. We are investigating the problem of recognizing interactions between people, vehicles and buildings. Current projects involve codebook-based background subtraction, and constructing clothing appearance models for people that can be used for persistent tracking.
2) Human movement and interaction. The Keck Laboratory for the Analysis of Visual Movement was established in 1998 with a generous gift from the Keck Foundation, and matching support from the University of Maryland. The Keck Laboratory is a multi-perspective imaging laboratory, containing sixty four digital, progressive scan cameras organized as sixteen short baseline stereo rigs. In each quadranocular rig, there are three monochromatic and one color camera. The cameras are collected to a network of PC's that can collect imagery from all of the cameras at speeds of up to 85 frames per second. The Keck Laboratory is being used to study problems related to human movement and action. Recent Keck Lab projects include a multiperspective system for detecting and tracking people in 3D, and potential field algorithms for 3D shape recognition.