Women in ECE Workshop: "Women of Science and Technology in the Workplace"

Tuesday, March 6, 2007
5:00 p.m.
2460 A.V. Williams Building
Judith A. Bell, Ed.D., Director

Workshop: Women of Science and Technology in the Workplace

Speaker: Carol Hall

Vice President for Human Resources - Retired

Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)

Time/Place: 5pm Tuesday, March 6, 2007 @ 2460 AVW

Women have been catalysts for change in the scientific and technological workplace. This workshop will highlight the challenges and benefits that have resulted from these changes. From her experience as an IT team leader, a recruiter, and an executive, Ms. Hall will share insights into the way successful companies embrace diversity to stay competitive and into the path for new graduates to develop a successful career in corporations.

The ECE Department is fortunate to have secured Ms. Carol Hall, Corporate Vice President for Work Force Diversity at SAIC, retired, as the speaker for our first WECE event for the spring term. A UMD alumnus, Ms. Hall will share valuable insights with female students on how to develop a successful career in major American corporations (based upon her own development and her Human Resources experience.)

Her talk is scheduled for 5pm on Tuesday, March 6 in 2460 AVWilliams. Light refreshments will be served.

Please RSVP to bellj@umd.edu if you plan to attend. (for refreshment planning purposes).

Audience: All Students 

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