Graduate School Fellowships

The University of Maryland Graduate School fellowships are merit-based awards for current University of Maryland graduate students that enable the recipient to focus on graduate study, that do not have to be repaid, and that generally include both a stipend and tuition remission. Graduate School Fellowships differ from graduate assistantships, which carry an obligation to teach classes, to work on a research project, or to perform administrative tasks.

If you are interested in applying for any Graduate School fellowships, please read the information below. The Graduate School's fellowships webpage has additional details.

The Wylie Fellowship is a $15,000 one-semester fellowship to support outstanding doctoral students who are in the final stages of writing their dissertations. Detailed information about the fellowship, including nomination packet requirements, is available on the Wylie Dissertation Fellowship guidelines. Our department may nominate only two students.

The department's nominees will also automatically be considered for the Lee Thornton Dissertation Fellowship. The Thornton Fellowship recognizes dissertation work that serves the public good and confers the same benefits as the Wylie.

To be considered, please submit your nomination package (cover sheet, abstract, statement, CV, and advisor's letter; preferably as a single PDF) to

The Summer Research Fellowship provides support to outstanding doctoral students at "mid-career," that is, in the period approximately before, during, or after achievement of candidacy, and is intended to enable students to prepare for or complete a key benchmark in their program's requirements. Detailed information about the fellowship, including nomination packet requirements, is available on the Summer Research Fellowships guidelines. Our department may nominate only two students.

The Kulkarni Summer Research Fellowship is identical to the Summer Research Fellowship, except that only graduates of an Indian Institute of Technology may apply. Our department may nominate only two students for the Kulkarni Fellowship. IIT graduates may apply for both the Summer Research and Kulkarni Fellowships.

To be considered, please submit your nomination package (cover sheet, advisor's letter, specific proposal, and CV; preferably as a single PDF) to

Graduate All-S.T.A.R. Fellowships are intended to support and honor graduate students who are both outstanding scholars and outstanding graduate assistants. Graduate All-S.T.A.R. Fellows will be featured on the Graduate School website. Detailed information about the fellowship may be found on the Graduate School's fellowship website. Once available, more information on the nomination process will be communicated to current graduate students via email.

College and Department Fellowships

The 2017-18 ECE Distinguished Dissertation Fellowship is a departmental award recognizing outstanding students in the final stages of their dissertation work. The Fellowship seeks to provide both a financial award and recognition of the student's research excellence. Multiple winners may be selected and are required to give a seminar presenting his/her research to the department. To be considered, please submit your nomination package (CV, transcript, research statement, sample publication, advisor nomination letter, additional faculty reference letter) to

The purpose of the Northrop Grumman Graduate Fellowship is to attract and encourage outstanding students to a teaching career in engineering education by supporting fellowships for graduate students who are pursuing their PhD in mechanical or electrical engineering and who have a commitment to teaching. The amount of the fellowship is $5,000, and the department may choose to select two recipients and split the amount of the fellowship.  Once available, more information on the nomination process will be communicated to current graduate students via email.

Submit Nominations

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