Academic Advisors

Upon admission, students will be initially assigned an academic advisor based on the technical interests indicated in the application. The academic advisor will serve in this capacity for the first year and is a regular or affiliate faculty member in ECE from whom students should seek general advice, such as in selecting courses for the plan of study. For students who are offered a graduate research assistantship, the research advisor should serve as the academic advisor, unless he/she is not a regular or affiliate faculty member in ECE. All students are expected to meet with their academic advisors at least once per semester.

During the first semester in the program, students may wish to contact other faculty members who share their technical interests. Students may consult with one of the department’s area advisors for guidance in locating a research advisor. The Graduate Studies Office can help put students in touch with an area advisor.

Regardless of funding, by the second year, all students are expected to establish a relationship with an advisor who will both provide academic advising and direct their research. This advisor is referred to as the student’s research advisor. Students are expected to submit the Change of Academic Advisor form whenever a new advising relationship is established. This form must be signed by the faculty member who will serve as the new advisor. The change of advisor is subject to the Associate Chair’s approval, and the former advisor will also be contacted.

For M.S. non-thesis students, the research advisor serves as the first reader of the scholarly paper. For M.S. with thesis students, the research advisor chairs the Thesis Examining Committee. For Ph.D. students, the research advisor chairs the research proposal exam and the Dissertation Examining Committee.

ECE Graduate Studies Office

The ECE Graduate Studies Office assists, guides, and enables our graduate students and faculty by providing excellent customer service, being sympathetic, leading by example, and communicating resources effectively. We seek to provide a positive experience by building a sense of community.

Please feel free to contact us if you need any assistance.