Meeting the Energy-Climate Challenge: Science, Technology, and Policy at a Crossroads

Tuesday, February 25, 2020
3:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Research Bioscience Building, Room 1101
Shannon Kennedy
301 405 9892

John Holdren, Obama's Science Adviser, to Lecture on Campus

Climate change is the biggest part of the energy problem, and energy is the biggest part of the climate-change problem. Serious harm from climate change is already upon us and growing faster than predicted; as a result, the world’s $30 trillion energy system needs to change more rapidly than previous experience would suggest is possible. Both public policy and public and private investments in energy-technology innovation must undergo drastic upgrades if the energy-climate challenge is to be surmounted.

The lecture will be followed with a panel discussion:

  • Panel Moderator: Rosina Bierbaum, Roy F. Weston Chair in Natural Economics, School of Public Policy
  • John P. Holdren, Professor of Environmental Science and Policy, Harvard University; Former Assistant to President Obama for Science & Technology and Director, Office of Science & Technology Policy
  • Mary Ann Rankin, Senior Vice President and Provost
  • Steve Fetter, Associate Provost and Dean of the Graduate School
  • Fernando Miralles-Wilhelm, Professor and Interim Director, Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center; Executive Director, Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites

Audience: Campus 

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