Beyond Performative Activism: Strategies for Dismantling Anti-Blackness and Promoting Anti-Racism

Wednesday, June 23, 2021
3:00 p.m.

The Center for Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education will host a webinar:

Anti-Blackness has worldwide implications on our society and particularly in the area of higher education. Our global adoption of anti-Blackness is rooted in colonial settler ideologies. The organizational structures of higher education institutions are undergirded in Whiteness--having profound implications on the policies that drive campus culture, decision making process of campus administrators, the resource allocations that inform campus priorities, and the social relationships between the people in the campus environment.

This session serves to address how performative activism maintains anti-Blackness in higher education and what institutions can do to dismantle racist systems in their institutions. We define performative activism as engagements of activist that center performance (Shefer, 2019); activism that is not deeply rooted in a singular social cause but may be motivated by a number of factors including alleviating guilt, increasing social capital, optics/impression management (managing appearances or how one is perceived by others). This type of activism may hinder or complicate desired goals or outcomes, undermining the prospect of achieving systemic change.

The panelists will discuss the implications of racism for Black people and strategies for dismantling anti-Blackness, promoting anti-racism and mitigating its negative consequences on campus.

Maia Niguel Hoskin, Ph.D., P.P.S.
Royel M. Johnson, Ph. D.
Rossina Zamora Liu, Ph.D.

Roger L. Worthington, Ph. D.

Shefer, T. (2019). Activist performance and performative activism towards intersectional gender and sexual justice in contemporary South Africa. International Sociology, 34(4), 418-434.

Jun 23, 2021 03:00 PM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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