ECE Distinguished Colloquium Speaker Series - Mukund Vengalattore

Friday, September 13, 2024
3:30 p.m.
Jeong H. Kim Engineering Building, Room 1110
Darcy Long
301 405 3114

Speaker: Mukund Vengalattore, Program Manager

Defense Sciences Office DARPA

Talk Title and Abstract TBD

Bio: Dr. Mukund Vengalattore joined DARPA in May 2022 as a program manager in the Defense Sciences Office. His interests include harnessing principles of quantum science and non-equilibrium quantum dynamics to create new capabilities in the broad areas of quantum-enhanced sensors; positioning, navigation and timing (PNT); quantum information science and related quantum technologies. 

Prior to joining DARPA, Dr. Vengalattore was in the physics department at Cornell University where he led an experimental research program in the areas of ultracold quantum gases, optomechanics and hybrid quantum systems. His work includes the use of quantum measurement backaction to create novel forms of quantum behavior, 'noise-engineering' techniques to enhance the sensitivity and coherence of quantum sensors, and the creation and study of robust out-of-equilibrium states of matter in isolated quantum systems. Dr. Vengalattore is a recipient of the Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship and the Merrill Outstanding Educator award.

Dr. Vengalattore received Bachelor of Science degrees in physics, electrical engineering and computer science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and his doctoral degree in physics, also from MIT. 


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