ECE Family Night 2024

Friday, September 20, 2024
5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
A.V. Williams Building
Darcy Long
301 405 3114

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering invites ECE Terps and their families for our annual Family Weekend open house on Friday, September 20th from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Please join us for an early evening networking event where you will meet our ECE Chair, the Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies, and the Director of Undergraduate Studies.  There will be lab tours and demonstrations of the exciting research being conducted by ECE faculty and students.

We recognize that the families of our students are vital to their success. Please take this opportunity to discover more about the educational journey they embark on in Electrical or Computer Engineering and learn about ways to remain engaged throughout their academic career.

RSVP: Coming Soon!

If you have any questions, please contact Darcy Long, External Relations Coordinator, in ECE's Office of External Relations: (301) 405-3114 or


Audience: Undergraduate 

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