Free, Open Entrepreneur Office Hours

Monday, January 13, 2014
10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Room 1103 Technology Advancement Program Bldg.
Eric Schurr

Get answers now on how to build a successful startup company. Receive free and impartial advice, brainstorm business strategies, investigate funding opportunities and learn about the vast resources available to entrepreneurs.

DATE: December 9, 10:00 a.m. to noon

PLACE: Room 1103, Technology Advancement Program building (directions)

REGISTER: Schedule an appointment here to guarantee your time slot. Walk-in appointments are also available.

The University of Maryland's Maryland Technology Enterprise Institute (Mtech) is hosting free office hours to help aspiring and current entrepreneurs with tech-based startups or ideas get advice on how to: 

  • build and finance a startup company
  • develop and protect intellectual property
  • navigate the technology transfer process
  • refine your business strategy for rapid growth
  • tap into other entrepreneurial resources

Representatives from the following organizations and groups are typically on hand to speak with you one-on-one regarding any questions you might have about starting a company:

  • Experienced Entrepreneurs

There's no reason to do it alone when you can benefit from the experience and advice from those who have done it before!

Mtech hosts Entrepreneur Office Hours on the second Tuesday of every month, from 10:00 am to noon, in room 1103 of the Technology Advancement Program building.

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