Smart Cities Workshop: The Baltimore Connected Communities Initiative

Thursday, April 5, 2018
1:00 p.m.
2208 Juan Ramon Jimenez Room, Stamp Student Union
Andy Fellows

Smart Cities Workshop: The Baltimore Connected Communities Initiative


This workshop will bring together academic researchers, local governments, and community partners to discuss how smart cities approaches and technologies can be used to support local community connections, engagement, and development. We will exchange ideas, outline jurisdictional common needs and goals, profile UMD researcher strengths in smart areas, and begin the discussion on how local investments in smart technologies can improve the lives of those who live, work, and learn along the Baltimore Avenue Corridor (jurisdictions include College Park, Hyattsville, Riverdale Park, Berwyn Heights, and others).


1 pm             Welcome: Gerrit Knaap, Director, NCSG

1:10 pm        Opening Remarks: Sokwoo Rhee, Associate Director of Cyber-Physical Systems Program, NIST

 1:20 pm        Smart City Best Practices: Danielle DuMerer, CIO & Commissioner, City of Chicago; UMD Alumna ‘02

 1:45 pm        Local Jurisdiction Panel Discussion: representatives from College Park, Hyattsville, Riverdale Park, and Berwyn Height  A short panel discussion by local jurisdiction officials and representatives will provide an overview of smart installation priorities, needs, and challenges.

 2:15 pm        One-Minute/One-Frame (1:1) Research Presentations: pre-identified researchers: UMD researchers will present 1-minute overviews on their research and/or   scholarly interests in Smart and Connected Communities. 

2:45 pm        Break and Business Card Pin Up by Topic Area

3:00 pm        Break-out Sessions By Use Case: All  Participants will be asked to join one of three breakout groups on pre-selected “smart topics/applications” use cases: smart lighting, smart kiosks, and smart transportation.  Each group will be asked to:

  • Uncover jurisdictional needs and/or desired outcomes
  • troubleshoot jurisdictional restrictions/challenges
  • suggest potential integrated research projects (technical, social science, etc.)
  • recommend community engagement mechanisms

4:15 pm        Break

4:30 pm        Group Debrief and Next Steps Discussion  All  Group facilitators will be asked to give a brief overview of the group discussion and recommendations.  Announcement on Next Steps and Follow Up will be presented by Gerrit Knaap.

5 pm             Adjourn

Audience: Campus 

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