The following degree information pertains to degree requirements for the new Electrical Engineering curriculum starting in Fall 2024. Students who matriculate in Fall 2024 are required to follow this curriculum. Students who matriculated prior to Fall 2024 can work with their academic advisor to decide whether to stay in the old curriculum or switch to the new. Additional details about the new curriculum can be found here.

The basic Electrical Engineering curriculum requires 120 credits for graduation. All major courses must be completed with a minimum grade of a "C-".  The courses comprising these 120 credits can be categorized into eight areas:

  • Mathematics and the Basics Sciences
  • Introduction to Engineering Design
  • Introduction to Electrical & Computer Engineering
  • Disciplinary Foundation of Electrical Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering Technical Electives
  • General Technical Electives
  • Professional Writing
  • General Education Requirements

Mathematics and the Basics Sciences - 30 credits

These courses stress the mathematical techniques and scientific principles upon which engineering is based and include the following:

  • MATH140: Calculus I (4 credits) 
  • MATH141: Calculus II (4 credits)
  • MATH241: Calculus III (4 credits)
  • ENEE290: Introduction to Differential Equations and Linear Algebra for Engineers (4 credits)
  • PHYS161: General Physics, Mechanics and Particles Dynamics (3 credits)
  • PHYS260/261: General Physics, Vibrations, Waves, Heat, and E/M (4 credits)
  • PHYS270/271: General Physics, Electrodynamics, Light, Relativity & Modern Physics (4 credits)
  • CHEM135: General Chemistry for Engineers (3 credits)

Introduction to Engineering Design - 3 credits

ENES100: Introduction to Engineering Design (3 credits)

ENES100 covers basic science and engineering principles. You will be assigned to a team that will prepare reports and presentations that summarize the design process and product performance of a specific technologic device. You will learn how to work successfully in teams, expand your understanding of group dynamics, and improve your communication skills. You will develop various computer skills including familiarity with internet and library databases for research, basic spread sheets, and essential word processor and graphical presentation software. Other objectives include learning about the role engineers play in modern society and an introduction to engineering ethics concepts.

Introduction to Electrical & Computer Engineering - 3 credits

ENEE101: Introduction to Electrical & Computer Engineering (3 credits)

An exploration of topics within Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE). Students will be introduced to key elements of both the Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering curriculum, including: computing systems and software, communications and controls, electrodynamics and waves, microelectronics, signal processing, and power systems. 

 NOTE: Transfer students who have already taken foundation courses in Electrical Engineering, may substitute this course with ENES489P Hands-On Systems Engineering Projects

Engineering Ethics - 3 credits

ENEE200: Technology and Consequences: Engineering, Ethics, and Humanity (3 credits). 

What makes a technology socially responsible? At UMD, the Fearless Ideas campaign asks us to aim our enthusiasm for technology at big real problems. At the same time, we are coming to appreciate the increasingly complex nature of technological systems as they become integrated into all forms of infrastructure, we realize they may be unpredictable, interdependent on social and biological systems, and have unintended consequences. In this midst of this complexity, people make decisions with far reaching impacts. How then do we follow our passion for technology and innovation but also stay skeptical in a way that allows us to consider the potential and shortcomings of technology? Designed for both engineering and non-engineering students wishing to explore and assess the impact of engineering technology on society and the role of society in generating that technology.

NOTE: ENEE200 will satisfy both a Humanities (DSHU) and Big Question (SCIS) GenEd requirements.

Disciplinary Foundation of Electrical Engineering - 35 credits

The Disciplinary Foundation is the core of the Electrical Engineering degree. These courses cover the fundamental electrical engineering concepts and laboratory skills common to any professional working in the field.

  • ENEE150: Intermediate Programming Concepts for Engineering (3 credits)*
  • ENEE205: Electric Circuits (4 credits)
  • ENEE222: Elements of Discrete Signal Analysis (4 credits)
  • ENEE244: Digital Logic Design (3 credits)
  • ENEE245: Fundamental Digital Circuits and Systems Lab (2 credits)
  • ENEE304: Introduction to Micro and Nanoelectronics (3 credits)
  • ENEE305: Introduction to Micro and Nanoelectronics Laboratory (2 credits)
  • ENEE323: Signals and Systems- Theory and Applications (4 credits)
  • ENEE324: Engineering Probability (3 credits)
  • ENEE350: Computer Organization (3 credits)
  • ENEE382: Electromagnetics (4 credits)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

*Students are required to complete ENEE140 prior to taking ENEE150 unless they have AP credit for CMSC131 (5 on the JAVA A exam, 4 or 5 on the JAVA AB) or have satisfactorily passed the ENEE150 Placement Exam.

Required Electrical Engineering Technical Electives - 22 credits

Students must complete 22 credits of upper-level electrical engineering electives from these three different categories:

  • Category A: Advanced Theory and Applications (Minimum 3 credits)
  • Category B: Advanced Laboratory (Minimum 2 credits)
  • Category C: Capstone Design Course(Minimum 3 credits)

The remaining 14 credits may be taken from any one category or combination of categories.  For a list of approved courses for each category, please see the Electrical Engineering Technical Electives page.

While not required, students are encouraged to take several upper-level elective courses on the same track. The electrical engineering tracks are:  

  • Communications and Signal Processing
  • Computer Engineering
  • Controls
  • Electrophysics
  • Microelectronics
  • Power Systems

Students can take up to seven credits of upper-level electrical engineering electives from approved non-ENEE courses related to that track.

General Technical Electives - 3 credits

Electrical Engineering majors are expected to complete 3 credits of General Technical Electives. Please visit the General Technical Electives page for more details.

Professional Writing - 3 credits

Students who have earned 60 credits and above are permitted to take any ENGL39(-) version of Professional Writing, as long as it satisfies the FSPW GenEd requirement.

NOTE: Engineering students are not exempt from this requirement even if they earn an 'A' in ENGL101.

General Education Requirements

A degree from the University of Maryland signifies more than just mere technical or narrowly defined career training. Students are offered a liberal education that prepares them to achieve the intellectual integration and awareness they need to meet challenges in their personal, social, political, and professional lives. As such, all graduates are required to complete the University's general education requirements. Students must complete a minimum of 40 credit hours in general education. The equivalent of twenty-two (22) of these credits can be satisfied by simply completing the requirements of the major. Thus, general education typically requires students to complete an additional eighteen (18) credits beyond the major requirements. For details on the general education program please visit the General Education website.
