The Center for Advanced Transportation Technology Laboratory (CATT Lab) is the largest transportation big data and data analytics center in the world. CATT Lab supports national, state, and local efforts to provide safe and efficient transportation systems through improved operations and management by means of research and development, technology implementation, training, and education. The lab's work spans many disciplines, including intelligent transportation systems, law enforcement, network security, private business, defense, and homeland security.
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The Environmental Engineering Laboratories support analysis of environmental samples that focus on the fate and processes inolved in three main area of research: organic pollutants, inorganic polluntants, and environmental microbiology. Affiliated projects support the idea that fundamental environmental research will serve as the basis for solving daunting challenges faced by future generations.
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The Structural Engineering Laboratory is a fully-equipped, state-of-the-art space for structures testing and developing advanced sensor and innovative damping technology on relatively large-scale civil and aerospace structures.
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The Traffic Safety and Operations Laboratory primarily focuses on the development and application of advanced technologies in contending with day-to-day congestion and improving traffic safety in highway networks.
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