Semesters Offered
Learning Objectives
An interdisciplinary course designed to provide students with an overview of key processes, technology, and manufacturing techniques involved in fabricating advanced devices and systems. Students will be exposed to state-of-the-art fabrication technologies including soft lithography, 3Dprinting, hybrid manufacturing, material functionalization, and systems integration. In addition to developing a theoretical understanding in the classroom, students will gain hands-on fabrication and characterization experience of systems that can interface with complex environments. (Formerly ENEE419M)
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ENEE313 or ENEE304
Learning Outcomes
- Understand and use key advanced manufacturing equipment and techniques, understanding the strengths and limitations of each.
- Design advanced devices and systems using 3D modeling software.
- Develop circuits and systems to analyze and process signals from complex environments.
- Apply theoretical knowledge and hands-on experiences to design, build and implement systems to interact with complex environments.
- Develop project management skills, budgeting costs and time to successfully complete a project.