Campus Visualization Lecture: Kelly Gaither, "Gaining Insight against Insurmountable Odds"

Wednesday, November 5, 2014
12:00 p.m.
2121 JM Patterson
LaToya Smith

Campus Visualization Lecture
Gaining Insight against Insurmountable Odds

Kelly Gaither
Texas Advanced Computer Center

The Division of Information Technology in conjunction with the Campus Visualization Partnership (CVP) is pleased to announce the third lecture of the season focusing on the use of visualization in research and education. These lectures are intended to raise the awareness of current campus activities and to stimulate new initiatives in scientific, information, medical, and other visualizations. The goal of the series is to make the University of Maryland a national role model for support and use of visualization to improve scholarship and teaching.

Kelly Gaither will discuss why visualization is a powerful medium for analyzing, understanding, and communicating the vast amounts of data being generated every day. The discussion will include examples of visualization over the years and predictions about what the future will hold with so much of our everyday lives being permeated by digital data/information.

Lunch will be provided; however, space is limited.

If you are interested in attending this event, please visit and fill out the short registration form. The event password is “cvp1”. If you are not able to make it in person, the event will also be streamed live as well as archived for later viewing.

The final fall lecture will be held on Wednesday, December 10. The presenter will be Jon Schwabish of The Urban Institute.

This seminar series is sponsored in part by Google and Yahoo! Inc. The School of Engineering is providing the Arnold E. Seigel Learning Center venue for the lecture series.

Audience: Graduate  Undergraduate  Faculty  Post-Docs  Alumni 

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