
Sunday, November 11, 2018
Reckord Armory, University of Maryland

Technica is the largest all-women hackathon, hosted annually at the University of Maryland.

Over the duration of 24 hours, women are immersed in tech culture and encouraged to exercise their imagination to create interesting and innovative hacks.

This year we are announcing a new theme: "Light the Way!" The tech field is still lacking in diversity, but we want to highlight the amazing women who have paved the path for us while encouraging each of you to support one another and inspire the future of women in tech. "Light the Way" is a call to all the women taking the tech world by storm: You are the future. Your work, passion, and voice will light the way!

For details and to register, visit:

Audience: Public  Campus  Clark School  All Students  Graduate  Undergraduate  K-12  Faculty  Staff  Post-Docs  Alumni  Corporate  Press 

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