Booz Allen Hamilton Colloquium: Ron Keesing, Leidos

Friday, March 4, 2022
3:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m.
Jeong H. Kim Engineering Building, Room 1110

Speaker: Ron Keesing
Vice President for Artificial Intelligence

Title: Lessons Learned in Building Trusted AI at Leidos

Ron Keesing is the Vice President for AI at Leidos, where he is responsible for developing and implementing thecompany’s AI and ML strategy. He leads the Leidos AI Accelerator, a team of top data scientists, AI researchers, andsolution architects addressing the company’s most challenging problems in AI and ML. Ron has been conducting anddirecting R&D in AI, ML, and related technologies for over 25 years. He has done pioneering work on programsaddressing a broad range of technical challenges, from forecasting complex events like cyber threats and politicalinstability from sparse data to discovering new potential cancer treatments by extracting and aligning knowledgeembedded within massive datasets and research publications to creating the first generation of autonomous systemsfor spacecraft command and control. His current research focuses on AI resilience, security, and trust. Keesing is aLeidos Technical Fellow and has authored papers and patents in diverse subfields of AI. He serves in an advisorycapacity for external organizations including the Center for New American Security, where he is a member of the TaskForce on Artificial Intelligence and National Security. He earned his MBA from UMd in 2008.

The Electrical and Computer Engineering Distinguished Colloquium Series hosted by Booz Allen Hamilton features distinguished speakers from across the nation and around the globe, and also provides venues in which ECE faculty can showcase their research to a broad audience of their colleagues and students, as well as friends of the university.


Audience: Clark School  All Students  Graduate  Undergraduate  Prospective Students  Faculty  Staff 

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