ECE Distinguished Colloquium Speaker Series - Missy Cummings, George Mason University

Friday, November 8, 2024
3:30 p.m.
Jeong H. Kim Engineering Building, Room 1110
Darcy Long
301 405 3114

Speaker: Missy Cummings, Professor

George Mason University

Host: Professor John Baras

Title: What Self-Driving Car Failures Can Tell Us About Engineering Safety-Critical AI

Abstract: With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), the dream of self-driving cars has seemingly become reality with driverless commercial operations in a handful of cities around the world.  However, multiple high-profile self-driving crashes have highlighted gaps in AI design and testing both for self-driving cars and AI in safety-critical systems in general. This talk will address the AI-related issues that have emerged with pilot testing and operations of self-driving cars and what lessons can be learned for the testing and certification of all safety-critical systems with embedded AI.

Bio: Professor Mary (Missy) Cummings received her B.S. in Mathematics from the US Naval Academy in 1988, her M.S. in Space Systems Engineering from the Naval Postgraduate School in 1994, and her Ph.D. in Systems Engineering from the University of Virginia in 2004. A naval officer and military pilot from 1988-1999, she was one of the U.S. Navy's first female fighter pilots. She is a Professor in the George Mason University College of Engineering and Computing, and directs the Mason Responsible AI program as well as the Mason Autonomy and Robotics Center (MARC). She is an American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and a Royal Aeronautical Society Fellow, and is a Commissioner for the Global Commission on Responsible Artificial Intelligence in the Military Domain. Her research interests include the application of artificial intelligence in safety-critical systems, assured autonomy, human-systems engineering, and the ethical and social impact of technology.

Audience: Graduate  Undergraduate  Faculty  Staff 

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