ECE Distinguished Colloquium Speaker Series - Bogdan Kosanovic

Friday, November 22, 2024
3:30 p.m.
Jeong H. Kim Engineering Building, Room 1110
Darcy Long
301 405 3114

Speaker: Bogdan Kosanovic, Director of Software Engineering

DeepSig, Inc.

Talk Title: Intelligent Scheduling for Real-Time Digital Signal Processing Systems

Abstract: This presentation will look into a challenge of increasing the number of computing instances beyond the limits of the available processing resources in real-time systems while at the same time keeping the quality of service (QoS) at a high level. Dynamic priority scheduling approach is developed that determines priorities of critical operations in real time based on the environmental observations. Scheduling priorities are calculated using an intelligent inference system of very low computational complexity that utilizes a collection of rules derived from the expert domain knowledge. Once priorities are determined they are applied to the scheduling queues. Performance is evaluated while maximizing the number of channels within a high density voice gateway. The results presented show that the number of critical compute instances can be significantly increased and in some cases doubled without observable impact to the QoS.

Bio: Dr. Kosanovic has 40 years of professional experience working in the areas of Electrical, Computer, and Biomedical Engineering. He received his undergraduate degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Belgrade, Serbia in 1986, and Masters and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh in 1992 and 1995, respectively. His research was focusing on applications of Fuzzy Logic in nonlinear system modeling, signal processing, and bioengineering. Dr. Kosanovic introduced the concepts of Temporal Fuzzy Sets, Dynamic Fuzzy Sets, and Fuzzy Information Space. 
Bogdan subsequently worked at Texas Instruments, Inc. for 24 years managing software teams developing advanced real-time signal and image processing software products including AI/ML solutions. He holds 14 US patents. Dr. Kosanovic currently heads the software engineering organization at DeepSig, Inc., a startup in Arlington, VA. His team develops products that use AI and machine learning to realize state of the art signal processing and radio systems with applications in RF sensing and awareness and 5G-NR RAN L1 implementation. Dr. Kosanovic is a member of the Advisory Board of the ECE Department at the University of Maryland, College Park.

Audience: Graduate  Undergraduate  Faculty 

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