News Story
Barg Awarded NSF Grant for Digital Fingerprinting Research
Professor Alexander Barg (ECE/ISR) has received a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for research on information-theoretic and code design issues of digital fingerprinting. Barg is principal investigator (PI) and Professor Prakash Narayan (ECE/ISR) is co-PI for the project, which also involves collaborative research with the University of California, Riverside.
Digital fingerprinting is a technique designed to protect copyrighted contents, such as software, images, audio signals, and multimedia, from unauthorized distribution by non-compliant users. The primary objective of this research is to use information- and coding-theoretic methods to determine the capacity limit, or the maximum number of users with reliably fingerprinted data, that can be managed by the distributor, and to construct new, large-scale digital fingerprinting schemes.
For more information about this grant, visit:
Published September 26, 2006