News Story
Milchberg selected as 2012 OSA Fellow

Professor Howard Milchberg
Professor Howard Milchberg was named a 2012 fellow of the Optical Society of America. The OSA Fellow Members Committee and Board of Directors determined Milchberg’s honor, recognizing his efforts in advancing the field of optics.
The Optical Society of America is a global enterprise dedicated to promoting technical, scientific, and educational knowledge in optics and photonics. OSA consists of more than 17,000 members, with more than half residing outside of the U.S. The organization, headquartered in Washington D.C., publishes journals and sponsors scientific exhibits and student programs.
Milchberg is a professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Physics, the Institute for Research in Applied Physics, and the Institute of Physical Science and Technology. His research interests include nonlinear optics; laser and optical physics; interaction of intense electromagnetic fields with atoms, solids and plasmas; and generation and application of coherent and incoherent short wavelength radiation. Earlier this year, one of his advisees, Dr. Yu-Hsin Chen, won the Rosenbluth Award.
OSA announced all of its distinguished 2012 Fellows in November, and is accepting applications for the coming year until June 2013. For more information, visit
Published December 6, 2012