News Story
Ulukus Awarded ISR Outstanding Faculty Award

Prof. Sennur Ulukus
Professor Sennur Ulukus was awarded the Institute of Systems Research (ISR) Outstanding Faculty Award for the record of accomplishments she has accumulated in her decade as a faculty member of ISR and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE).
Her accomplishments include scholarly contributions in prestigious journals, a high level of funding in support of her research, and her commitment to mentoring, graduating and placing a succession of outstanding graduate students.
Most recently she has been a pivotal member of the Green Communications initiative and has pioneered fundamental interdisciplinary research in energy harvesting for communication systems.
“Sennur is one of the strongest and most valuable faculty members in the ISR and the ECE department,” said Prof. Anthony Ephremides (ECE/ISR).
Published June 6, 2011