News Story
ECE Graduate Student Heba Yuksel Wins Research Excellence Award at SPIE Conference
ECE Ph.D. student Heba Yuksel, who is advised by ECE Professor Christopher Davis, recently presented two papers at the International Society of Optical Engineers (SPIE) Optics and Photonics Meeting in San Diego, July 31 - August 4, 2005. For her efforts, she received a Research Excellence Award, which included a cash award to pay for her expenses in attending the meeting. The award was presented to Heba by Newport, Spectra-Physics, a division of Newport Corporation, and SPIE.
The travel grant award is open to students who present an accepted paper at the SPIE Optics & Photonics Symposium or Photonics West. Recipients are selected based on both the quality of the original research described in their submitted paper(s) and financial need.
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Published September 23, 2005