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Liu co-authors book, "Reciprocity, Evolution, and Decision Games in Network and Data Science"

Distinguished University Professor K.J. Ray Liu has co-authored a book entitled Reciprocity, Evolution, and Decision Games in Network and Data Science, published by Cambridge University Press. Written with graduate students and researchers in networking, communications and signal processing in mind, this book provides a broad understanding of evolutionary games, indirect reciprocity and sequential decision making by describing applications of game-theoretic models in real world systems, including wireless and social networks.
Liu, who is also Christine Kim Eminent Professor of Information Technology, has been recognized for not only excellence in teaching, but also for many significant contributions to his field of expertise. His main areas of research are signal processing and communications, including wireless communications; network science, multimedia signal processing, information forensics and security, bioinformatics, and signal processing algorithms and architectures.
Liu is also the leader of the University of Maryland Signal and Information Group (SIG). Three alumni of this group are the co-authors of this book: Yan Chen, University of Science and Technology of China; Chih-Yu Wang, Academica Sinica, Taipei; and Chunxiao Jiang, Tsinghua University, Beijing.
Reciprocity, Evolution, and Decision Games in Network and Data Science will be released in the US in September 2021. It will be available through multiple booksellers, including Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
Published August 13, 2021