Staff Directory

McKinney, Jeff

McKinney, Jeff

Director of Engineering IT Operations
A. James Clark School of Engineering
Electrical and Computer Engineering
The Institute for Systems Research
1441 AV Williams Building

ECE Telecommunications Program Presents 2018-2019 Graduate Student Awards

The awards were given during ENTS Career Day for outstanding academic performance and service to the program.

McKinney Receives High Honors from University System

Effectiveness and efficiency garner Board of Regents Award for Director of Computing.

Wei, Koev and McKinney Honored at ISR Awards Ceremony

Institute for Systems Research (ISR) honors ECE/ISR students, staff for outstanding contributions.

McKinney, Srivastava, Tjoa Honored at ECE Welcome Back Reception

ECE Chair Patrick O'Shea presented awards to faculty, staff, and students at annual reception.