News Story
Murphy Promoted to Full Professor

Professor Thomas Murphy (ECE/IREAP)
President Wallace Loh and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering recently promoted ECE professor Thomas Murphy from associate professor to full professor.
“I feel both proud and privileged to have this amazing job, and I’m extremely grateful to the staff and faculty who have been so critical to my ability to thrive here at UMD,” Murphy said.
This promotion will not be Murphy’s first at the university. Last August, he was named director of the Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics (IREAP) after serving as the interim director for six months prior.
“I feel both proud and privileged to have this amazing job, and I’m extremely grateful to the staff and faculty who have been so critical to my ability to thrive here at UMD,” Murphy said.
Murphy received his B.A./B.S.E.E. degrees at Rice University in 1994, and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees at MIT in 1997 and 2000, respectively. He joined the NanoStructures Laboratory at MIT where he did research in integrated optics and nanotechnology. Murphy’s current research interests include nonlinear optics, optical communications, nonlinear dynamics, microwave photonics and terahertz technology.
The ECE department congratulates Professor Murphy on his promotion and wishes him the best of luck for the future. His promotion will be effective July 1, 2013.
Published May 14, 2013