News Story
Quinn Receives Award for Work with Engineers Without Borders

Bryan Quinn
In Summer 2009, Quinn joined the EWB students on a trip to Peru to begin work on the implementation of a potable water system in Compone, a community of 1500 in the southern Andean Mountains. The team returned in January 2010 to conduct further work on a tablet chlorination system, and plans to finalize the project in Summer 2010.
Engineers Without Borders USA is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to sustainable development through engineering assistance and training internationally responsible engineering students. To date the University of Maryland's EWB Chapter has sent 104 students, 7 faculty, and 19 professionals on 22 trips over 5 years, completing 9 projects in Brazil, Burkina Faso, Ecuador, and Thailand.
For more information, visit the EWB website at
Published May 25, 2010