News Story
TRX Systems Receives Tibbets Award for Excellence

Roland Tibbetts, Karen Mills (Administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration), Carole Teolis (TRX CTO and co-founder), and Sean Greene (Associate Administrator for Investment and Special Advisor for Innovation at the U.S. Small Business Administration)
TRX Systems, Inc. announced it is one of 18 companies to receive the Tibbetts Award. This award is presented to participating companies in the SBA’s Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR) that represent “beacons of promise and models of excellence in high technology”. The criteria for the selecting of winners are based on the economic impact of their technological innovation; practicing diverse participation in technological innovation; and increasing the commercialization of federal research.
The TRX indoor location system uses sensor fusion and mapping technology to deliver precision personnel location in indoor environments without pre-installed infrastructure. This technology delivers safety to first responders and navigational support for soldiers and urban training operations in locations that are GPS-denied.
TRX development support has included Small Business Innovation Research Program grants from the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and the US Army. TRX is a team member on the Department of Homeland Security Geospatial Location Accountability and Navigation System for Emergency Responders (GLANSER) program as well as the Globe Wearable Advance Sensor Platform (WASP) which is managed and funded by the US Army Natick.
“Receiving the Tibbetts Award is a great honor,” said ECE alumna Carole Teolis, CTO and co-founder of TRX Systems. “The SBIR program is a critical engine fueling innovation and development in areas where technical risk is higher than would be supported by the private markets.”
TRX Systems has flourished in proximity to the University of Maryland. “We have been able to collaborate with Professor Gilmer Blankenship in robotics research and with excellent programs in electrical and computer engineering through the A. James Clark School,” said CEO and ECE alumna Carol Politi, “that has enabled us to differentiate TRX Systems in our research capabilities and commercial products.”
TRX Systems delivers precise, infrastructure free, tracking systems that safeguard people indoors and in locations without reliable GPS. The TRX Systems unique sensor fusion and mapping technology greatly improves situational awareness and command effectiveness by providing precise, real time 3D personnel location in areas that are GPS-denied. For more information on TRX indoor location technology visit:
Published May 1, 2012