News Story
University of Maryland Hosts 2016 Leidos Intern Symposium

The University of Maryland’s (UMD) Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Department jointly organized the Annual Leidos Intern Symposium with Leidos, a global science and technology solutions company. The symposium was held on Friday, September 2, 2016, in the A.V Williams Engineering Building. The symposium showcases the work of UMD students who participated in Leido’s Team Internship Projects this summer. This is the fifth year Leidos has participated in such a program.
Congratulations to the five individuals/teams who displayed and presented their posters covering areas of:
Spectroscopic Pattern Recognition by Behtash Banihashemi
Using GPU Technology to Accelerate Computational Electromagnetics by Kevin Bartas and Gabby Larios
CAEN by Ryan Zimpo
S4U by Omar Abdelkader
Health Informatics - Bureau Reporting System by Sana Shah and Adeola Awowale
Prof. Rama Chellappa, ECE Chair and Distinguished University Professor, gave the welcoming speech, while closing remarks were addressed by Dr. Jim Cantor, National Security Sector Technical Director for Leidos. The students spent the summer working on their projects with a mentor from Leidos. The students were all undergraduate and graduate students of ECE, CS, and ISR.
Leidos makes a generous contribution every year to support UMD research, education programs, student activities and fellowships. The commitment of support reflects an ongoing relationship between Leidos and UMD to provide high-quality education and research opportunities for students and faculty.
We are proud of the Leidos interns and their extraordinary work! Photos from the event can be viewed here.
Published September 8, 2016