News Story
Wu Receives NSF Grant on Cross-layer Secure Communications
Associate Professor Min Wu (ECE/UMIACS) is the principal investigator for a new National Science Foundation grant. This 3-year, $300k effort focuses on "Addressing Physical-Layer Challenges via CLAWS: Cross-Layer Approaches to Wireless Secure Communications."
Advances in wireless communications, networking technologies, mobile computing, and software engineering have led to numerous emerging applications with complex security requirements. Physical-layer properties in communications present not only new performance enhancing opportunities but also new risks and attacks that cannot be sufficiently addressed by cryptography-based security tools alone. The CLAWS effort will investigate the role of physical-layer properties and systematic engineering modeling in designing secure communications systems, and jointly optimize overall system performance and security to provide secure communications for current and future generation networks.
For more information, visit the NSF website.
Published December 8, 2008