Abed, Eyad H.
Former Director, Institute for Systems Research (2002–2008)
Dr. Abed received the S.B. degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1979, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in 1981 and 1982, respectively, from the University of California at Berkeley, all in Electrical Engineering. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, and a recipient of several awards, including the Presidential Young Investigator Award from the National Science Foundation, the O. Hugo Schuck Best Paper award from the American Automatic Control Council, a Senior Fulbright Scholar Award from the Council for the International Exchange of Scholars, the Outstanding Systems Engineering Faculty Award of the Institute for Systems Research, the Alan Berman Research Publication Award from the Naval Research Laboratory, and two teaching awards from the University of Maryland. He has been on the editorial boards of the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control and the journal Nonlinear Dynamics. He was also a member of the Executive Committee of the IEEE Control Systems Society, and served as its Vice President for Financial Activities during 2007-2009. He has consulted for several corporations and government agencies in the application of control and dynamic modeling to problems in energy, radar and aircraft engine dynamics.
Dr. Abed's research interests include system and control theory; electric power system dynamics and control; systems engineering; the analysis and design of complex networks, including communication networks and social networks; and aerospace control systems.
Among his research contributions (with his students and colleagues) in system and control theory are the development of the bifurcation control approach to control of nonlinear systems bordering on their stability limits; introduction of strong D-stability and its implications for stability analysis of multi-time-scale systems; introduction of the guardian map approach to stability analysis of uncertain systems; contributions to the study of border collision bifurcations; and development of a new approach to the analysis of modal participation in linear dynamic systems.
In applications, he and his co-workers have contributed to the study of oscillations and nonlinear dynamics of electric power systems; oscillations in internet traffic under congestion control protocols such as TCP-RED; redesign of computer network congestion control protocols to extend the regime of acceptable behavior; analysis and design of artificial swarms; nonlinear dynamics and active stall control of gas turbine jet engines; control of tethered satellites in station-keeping and in deployment and retrieval; modeling and control of power electronic circuits using sampled-data methods; nonlinear modeling and control of supercavitating bodies; control of particle accelerators; aircraft stall control; analysis and control design for cardiac arrhythmia; and gated radar tracking system nonlinear modeling and dynamics.
- IEEE Fellow (2001)
- Senior Fulbright Scholar Award, from the Council for the International Exchange of Scholars, Washington, D.C. (1996-1997)
- O. Hugo Schuck Best Paper Award, American Automatic Control Council (1994)
- Alan Berman Research Publication Award, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C. (1992)
- Outstanding Systems Engineering Faculty Award, Institute for Systems Research, University of Maryland (1990)
- NSF Presidential Young Investigator (1987)
- George Corcoran Award, ECE Department, University of Maryland (1984)
- Outstanding Professor Award, IEEE Student Branch, University of Maryland (1983)
- Advisory Editorial Board of Nonlinear Dynamics
- System and control theory
- Electric power system dynamics and control
- Aerospace control systems
- Analysis and design of complex networks, including communication networks and social networks
- Van Sy Mai and E.H. Abed, "Opinion dynamics with persistent leaders," Proc. 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Los Angeles, December 15-17, 2014, pp. 2907-2913.
- B. Hamzi and E.H. Abed, "Local mode-in-state participation factors for nonlinear systems,'' Proc. 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Los Angeles, December 15-17, 2014, pp. 43-48.
- Van Sy Mai and E.H. Abed, "Dynamic consensus measure and optimal selection of direct followers in multiagent networks," Proc. American Control Conference, Boston, July 6-8, 2016, pp. 2880-2886.
- Van Sy Mai and E.H. Abed, "Distributed optimization over weighted directed graphs using row-stochastic matrix," Proc. American Control Conference, Boston, July 6-8, 2016, pp. 7165-7170.
- E.H. Abed, Editor, Advances in Control, Communication Networks, and Transportation Systems: In Honor of Pravin Varaiya, Systems and Control: Foundations and Applications Series, Birkhauser, Boston, 2005.
- W.A. Hashlamoun, M.A. Hassouneh and E.H. Abed, "New results on modal participation factors: Revealing a previously unknown dichotomy," IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, Volume 54, Issue 7, July 2009, pp. 1439-1449.
- P. Ranjan, E.H. Abed and R.J. La, "Nonlinear instabilities in TCP-RED," pp. 279-308 in Complex Dynamics in Communication Networks, Ljupco Kocarev and Gabor Vattay, Eds., Springer Complexity Program Series: Understanding Complex Systems, 2005.
- P. Ranjan, E.H. Abed and R.J. La, "Nonlinear instabilities in TCP-RED," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 12, No. 6, Dec. 2004, pp. 1079-1092.
- P. Ranjan, R.J. La and E.H. Abed, "Global stability conditions for rate control with arbitrary communication delays," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 14, No. 1, Feb. 2006, pp. 94-107.
- P. Ranjan, E.H. Abed and R.J. La, "Global stability with averaged feedback and communication delay," Proc. National Conference on Nonlinear Systems and Dynamics, Aligarh Muslim Univ., India, Feb. 24-26, 2005, paper number 156.
- P. Ranjan, E.H. Abed and R.J. La, "Nonlinear instabilities in TCP-RED," IEEE Infocom 2002, June 23-27, 2002, New York, pp. 249-258.
- P. Ranjan and E.H. Abed, "Nonlinear dynamics of TCP with RED control," Workshop on Large-Scale Communication Networks: Topology, Routing, Traffic, and Control (Workshop I in the Series "Large Scale Communication Networks"), Miniworkshop on Internet Congestion Control, Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM), UCLA, Los Angeles, March 18-19, 2002.
- P. Ranjan, R. La and E. H. Abed, "Bifurcations of TCP and UDP traffic under RED," Proc. Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Lisbon, Portugal, July 9-12, 2002.
- R.J. La, P. Ranjan and E.H. Abed, "Global stability conditions for rate control of a discretized model with communication delays," Proc. Globecom: IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, Dallas, Nov. 29 - Dec. 3, 2004, Paper GI05-1, pp. 1396-1400.
- A. Sharifi and E.H. Abed, "Bifurcation control in PRMA joint voice-data system using multiple transmission power levels," 2007 Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), Orlando, FL, Oct. 29-31, 2007.
- A. Sharifi and E.H. Abed, "Stability analysis for communication of voice terminals with packet reservation multiple access protocol with high propagation delays," Proceedings of the Third International Conference on COMmunication Systems softWAre and middlewaRE (COMSWARE 2008}, Bangalore, India, January 5-10, 2008.
- C. Wu, E.H. Abed, B. Beaudoin, R.A. Kishek, M. Reiser, J.C.T. Thangaraj, P.G. O'Shea, and S. Bernal, M. Cornacchia, I. Haber, C. Papadopoulos and D. Sutter, "Error and resonance analysis of beams with intense space charge in the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER)," Proceedings of the 13th Advanced Accelerator Concepts (AAC) Workshop, Santa Cruz, CA, July 27-Aug. 2, 2008.
- M.A. Hassouneh, E.H. Abed and H.E. Nusse, "Robust dangerous border-collision bifurcations in piecewise smooth systems," Physical Review Letters, Vol. 92, No. 7, 20 Feb. 2004, paper 070201.
- X. Xi and E.H. Abed, "New formation control designs with virtual leaders," Proc. Sixteenth IFAC World Congress, Prague, July 3-8, 2005, Paper We-M03-TO/3.
- E.H. Abed, "Bifurcation control: New directions motivated by biology and complex engineered systems," Keynote Lecture, Preprints of the 7th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS), 21-24 August, 2007, Pretoria, South Africa, pp. 103-109.
- E. H. Abed, M.A. Hassouneh and M.S. Saad, "Instability monitoring and control of power systems," pp. 159-178 in Applied Mathematics for Restructured Electric Power Systems: Optimization, Control, and Computational Intelligence, J.H. Chow, F.F. Wu and J.A. Momoh, Eds., Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2005.
- M.A. Hassouneh and E.H. Abed, "Border collision bifurcation control of cardiac alternans," International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 14, No. 9, Sept. 2004, pp. 3303-3315.
- H. Yaghoobi, M.A. Hassouneh and E.H. Abed, "Detection of impending bifurcation using a near-resonant probe signal," Proc. American Control Conference, June 2001, Arlington, VA, pp. 2285-2291.
- C.-C. Fang and E.H. Abed, "Saddle-node and Neimark bifurcations in PWM DC-DC converters," in Nonlinear Phenomena in Power Electronics: Attractors, Bifurcations, Chaos and Nonlinear Control, S. Banerjee and G.C. Verghese, Editors, pp. 229-240, New York: IEEE Press, 2001.
- C.-C. Fang and E.H. Abed, "Harmonic balance analysis and control of period doubling bifurcation in buck converters," Proc. Internat. Symp. Circuits and Systems, Sydney, May 2001, Vol. 3, pp. 209-212 (invited).
- P. Ranjan and E.H. Abed, "Enhancing detectability of bifurcations in DC-DC converters by stochastic resonance," Proc. 39th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Sydney, Australia, Dec. 12-15, 2000, pp. 1608-1612.
- E.H. Abed, D. Lindsay and W.A. Hashlamoun, "On participation factors for linear systems," Automatica, Vol. 36, No. 10, pp. 1489-1496, October 2000.
- T. Kim and E.H. Abed, "Closed-loop monitoring systems for detecting impending instability," IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems, -- I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, Vol. 47, No. 10, pp. 1479-1493, October 2000.
- M.A. Nayfeh and E.H. Abed, "High-gain feedback control of rotating stall in axial flow compressors," Automatica, Vol. 38, No. 6, June 2002, pp. 995-1001.
- T. Kim and E.H. Abed, "Stationary bifurcation control of systems with uncontrollable linearization," International Journal of Control, Vol. 74, No. 5, pp. 445-452, 2001.
- C.-C. Fang and E.H. Abed, "Analysis and control of period doubling bifurcation in buck converters using harmonic balance," Latin American Applied Research: An International Journal, Special theme issue: Bifurcation Control: Methodologies and Applications, In honor of the 65th Birthday of Professor Leon O. Chua, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 149-156, 2001.
- C.-C. Fang and E.H. Abed, "Robust feedback stabilization of limit cycles in PWM DC-DC converters," Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 295-309, Feb. 2002.
- D.-C. Liaw and E.H. Abed, "Active control of compressor stall inception: A bifurcation-theoretic approach," Automatica, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 109-115, January 1996.
- R.A. Adomaitis and E.H. Abed, "Local nonlinear control of stall inception in axial flow compressors," Proceedings of the 29th AIAA/SAE/ASME/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Monterey, CA, June 28-30, 1993 (AIAA Paper 93-2230).
- E.H. Abed, P.K. Houpt and W.M. Hosny, "Bifurcation analysis of surge and rotating stall in axial flow compressors," ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, vol. 115, pp. 817-824, 1993.
- E.H. Abed, H.O. Wang, and R.C. Chen, "Stabilization of period doubling bifurcations and implications for control of chaos," Physica D, vol. 70, pp. 154-164, 1994.
- J.-H. Fu and E.H. Abed, "Families of Lyapunov functions for nonlinear systems in critical cases," IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, 38, (1), Jan. 1993, pp. 3-16.
- H. Wang and E.H. Abed, "Bifurcation control of chaotic dynamical systems," Proceedings of NOLCOS'92: Nonlinear Control System Design Symposium, M. Fliess, Ed., June 1992.
- H.O. Wang, E.H. Abed and A.M.A. Hamdan, "Bifurcations, chaos and crises in voltage collapse of a model power system," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems---I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, vol. 41, pp. 294-302, 1994.
- H.O. Wang and E.H. Abed, "Control of nonlinear phenomena at the inception of voltage collapse," Proceedings of the 1993 American Control Conference, pp. 2071-2075, San Francisco, CA, June 2-4, 1993.
- A. Tesi, E.H. Abed, R. Genesio and H.O. Wang, "Harmonic balance analysis of period doubling bifurcations with implications for control of nonlinear dynamics," Automatica, Vol. 32, No. 9, pp. 1255-1271, September 1996.
- E.H. Abed and J.-H. Fu, "Local feedback stabilization and bifurcation control, II. Stationary bifurcation," Systems and Control Letters, Volume 8, Issue 5, pp. 467-473, May 1987.
- E.H. Abed and J.-H. Fu, "Local feedback stabilization and bifurcation control, I. Hopf bifurcation," Systems and Control Letters, Volume 7, Issue 1, pp. 11-17, February 1986.
- E.H. Abed and P.P. Varaiya, "Nonlinear oscillations in power systems," Internat. J. Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 37-43, January 1984.
- R.E. Gover, E.H. Abed and A.J. Goldberg, "Stochastic stability analysis of nonlinear gated radar range trackers," in Stochastic Theory and Adaptive Control, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences Series, 184, T.E. Duncan and B. Pasik-Duncan, Eds., pp. 225-239, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1992.
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- Fellow, 2001