News Story
Alumna Jing Yang begins tenure-track position at Penn State

Alumna Jing Yang (EE Ph.D. 2010) joined the Pennsylvania State University’s School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science as a tenure-track Assistant Professor on August 15, 2016. Yang’s research interests are in sensing and communication in energy harvesting wireless sensor networks, statistical signal processing and machine learning, and their applications in power/energy systems, healthcare, bioinformatics. For her Ph.D. thesis, she developed optimum communication mechanisms for energy harvesting systems. At Maryland, Yang was advised by Professor Sennur Ulukus (ECE/ISR).
Following her Ph.D. at Maryland, Yang was a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and then an Assistant Professor at the University of Arkansas. Yang received a 2015 NSF CAREER Award for “When Energy Harvesting Meets 'Big Data': Designing Smart Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks.”
Published September 3, 2016