News Story
ECE and CS Team up to Launch Master of Professional Studies in Machine Learning

The Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) and the Computer Science (CS) Departments at the University of Maryland, College Park are launching a new Master of Professional Studies (MPS) in Machine Learning. This program will offer students the opportunity to engage in cutting-edge technical course work in machine learning and develop their problem solving skills in the art and science of processing and extracting information from data. During their coursework, students will build solid foundations in mathematics, statistics and computer programming, and explore advanced topics in machine learning such as deep learning, optimization, big data analysis and signal/image understanding. Students will also learn about applications of machine learning to computer vision, natural language processing, robotics, communications, data science and other areas, and will have extensive hands-on experiences via projects and real-life examples.
The MPS in Machine Learning is a 30-credit, 10-course, non-thesis graduate program that will be run on 12-week-long terms. Students taking two courses per term will be able to finish the program in 5 terms, that is, about a year and a half. Classes will meet once a week per course in the evening hours fitting the schedules of working professionals. The program starts with the Winter Term on November 25, 2019. The application site is open with an application deadline of October 1, 2019 for best consideration. The registration deadline is October 18, 2019. For more information, please visit:
Published September 9, 2019