Min Wu named Associate Dean for Graduate Programs

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Dean Darryll Pines has announced that Professor Min Wu (ECE/ISR/UMIACS) has been named Associate Dean for Graduate Programs of the A. James Clark School of Engineering effective August 23, 2019. Professor Ankur Srivastava will step down from this position while continuing his new role as Director of the Institute for Systems Research. The text of the dean's statement is as follows:

“I want to take this opportunity to thank Dr. Srivastava for his service to the college. Under Dr. Srivastava's leadership, the college's graduate program has excelled in terms of diversity and quality of students. In addition, we have now welcomed at least three cohorts of distinguished Clark Doctoral Fellows. This important program will continue under Dr. Wu.

Dr. Wu brings exceptional experience to her new role as Associate Dean for Graduate Programs. In her role as ADVANCE Professor, she provided mentoring to junior and mid-career faculty members across engineering, information studies, and computing. The IEEE – the world’s largest technical association for the advancement of technology – recognized her dedication, contributions, and leadership with a meritorious service award. She was elected to serve as Vice President of Finance of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, and Chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Information Forensics and Security. She recently completed her term as Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, leading this highly influential publication through a major redesign, engaging a broad readership in the technical community, expanding the contributor base, and bringing the publication to an all-time high in citation impact. For her outstanding contributions to undergraduate and graduate education in electrical and computer engineering, including innovative curricular development and influential mentoring, she received the prestigious IEEE Mac Van Valkenburg Early Career Teaching Award and the Clark School E. Robert Kent Junior Faculty Teaching Award.

Dr. Wu is a professor of electrical and computer engineering. She did her undergraduate studies in both engineering and economics and management at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China, and received her Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Princeton University in 2001. Since joining the University of Maryland faculty, she has established the Media and Security Team (MAST), with main research interests on information forensics and security, multimedia signal processing, and sensing analytics. Dr. Wu has been a proliferate inventor and was recognized for her outstanding research and teaching with a Distinguished Scholar-Teacher Award by the university. She was elected IEEE Fellow and AAAS Fellow for outstanding technical contributions.”

Congratulations Professor Wu!

Published August 21, 2019