News Story
Srivastava named an associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Computers

ISR Director Ankur Srivastava (ECE/ISR) has been named associate editor for the Security and Privacy section of IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC). TC is the IEEE Computer Society’s flagship journal and a leading archival publication in the computing field. This monthly journal publishes high-quality, timely and relevant research for those in academia, industry and government laboratories. It is the top journal in computer hardware design, and its impact factor of 3.183 is the highest among competing publications.
TC covers computer organizations and architectures; operating systems, software systems, and communication protocols; real-time systems and embedded systems; digital devices, computer components, and interconnection networks; specification, design, prototyping, and testing methods and tools; performance, fault tolerance, reliability, security, and testability; case studies and experimental and theoretical evaluations; and new and important applications and trends.
Published August 12, 2022