Faculty Directory

La, Richard J.

La, Richard J.

Electrical and Computer Engineering
The Institute for Systems Research
Maryland Applied Graduate Engineering
2401 A.V. Williams Bldg.

Richard J. La received the B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Maryland at College Park in 1994, and the M.S. and Ph.D in Electrical Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley in 1997 and 2000, respectively. Before joining ISR and ECE he was a member of the systems engineering group at Alcatel U.S.A. and the mathematics of communication networks group at Motorola Inc.

He has served on the editorial board for IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing, IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking, and IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials and the technical program committee for IEEE INFOCOM, IEEE ICC, ACM MobiHoc, ACM Sigmetrics, Complex Networks, and Wireless Internet.

Honors and awards

NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award (2003)

ISR Outstanding Faculty Award (2021)




Network science, resource allocations and performance evaluation in communication systems, application of game theory, contract theory.

ECE Student Owen Mank Recognized as Philip Merrill Presidential Scholar

Award Recognizes Top Students and Their Mentors

Barg honored with 2024 IEEE Richard W. Hamming Medal

The medal is the highest IEEE-wide award for exceptional contributions to information sciences, systems and technology.

ECE Welcomes New Faculty Members for Fall 2023

Four Assistant Professors Start New Semester

ECE and ISR alumni feature prominently at American Control Conference

Xiaobo Tan, Sean Andersson and Fumin Zhang played key roles at the conference.

A new epidemiology model based on game theory

A population's collective decision making follows an evolutionary dynamics model that captures individual agents’ preferences and assumes the agents can repeatedly revise their strategies.

Remembering Roger Brockett, 1938-2023

Brockett was an ISR founding and permanent faculty member, and a giant of control and robotics.

Alumni Profile: Yijie Han

Han received her Ph.D. in 2006 under the guidance of Prof. Richard La with a focus on wireless communication in ad-hoc networks.

Buyukates and Bastopcu win Best Student Paper Award at IEEE SPAWC 2021

The paper investigates version age scaling in general gossip network models which exhibit a community structure.

Ulukus, Modiano guest-edit IEEE journal special issue on Age of Information

The issue includes 21 articles that reflect the state of the art in Age of Information research.