News Story
Alumnus Mihai Dimian awarded $1M grant to develop a hybrid platform of visible light communications and augmented reality

Mihai Dimian (Ph.D. ECE 2005)
Alumnus Mihai Dimian (Ph.D. ECE 2005) has recently received a million dollar grant from Romanian Minister of Research to develop a hybrid platform of visible light communications and augmented reality for active driver assistance and vehicle safety. At the interface between two sectors with the highest growth in turnover and export in Romania, the ICT industry and the automotive industry, the project aims to focus the expertise and results from 6 universities and research institutes towards the realization of a hybrid platform of visible light communications and augmented reality for the development of intelligent systems for active driver assistance and vehicle safety.
Dimian is Professor and Vice-rector for Scientific Activities at Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava (Romania) since 2012. Prior to joining USV, Dimian was a tenured Associate Professor at Howard University in Washington DC, Invited Professor at University of Paris-Saclay (France) and Research Fellow at Max Planck Institute in Leipzig (Germany). He serves as President of Electronics, Telecommunications, and Nanotechnology Commission in National Council for Attestation of Academic Titles, Diplomas and Certificates and as member of National research Council
Dimian’s research interests include visible light communications, data storage technology, noise-driven phenomena, molecular magnetism, nonlinear dynamics and hysteresis. Publications, such as IEEE Communication Surveys and Tutorials, IEEE Communication Magazine, Physical Review B, Physical Review E, IEEE Sensors Journal, Journal of Applied Physics, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, have featured his work and research. He is the first author of the book Noise-driven phenomena in hysteretic systems published at Springer.
Dimian received his B.Sc. in Physics and Mathematics from the University of Iasi (Romania) and his Ph.D. from the University of Maryland in 2005. While at UMD, Dimian was advised by Alford L. Ward Professor and Distinguished Scholar-Teacher Isaak Mayergoyz. Mayergoyz has also recently been named a Distinguished University Professor, the highest academic honor given to a faculty member at UMD.
When asked about his former student, Dr. Isaak Mayergoyz said, “Dr Mihai Dimian is an excellent professor and researcher with penetrating and inquiring intellect, strong scientific curiosity, and broad erudition.”
Published January 28, 2019