Wu Elected VP for Finance of IEEE Signal Processing Society

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Dr. Min Wu

Prof. Min Wu has been elected Vice President for Finance of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Signal Processing Society (SPS), for a three year term of 2010-2012. As Vice President-Finance, Prof. Wu will be a voting member of the SPS’s Board of Governors, Executive Committee, Conference Board and Publications Board, and will lead financial planning and management efforts related to major SPS activities and policies.

Prof. Wu has been actively involved in technical and leadership activities of the IEEE and SPS. She has been elected to IEEE Technical Committees on Information Forensics and Security (IFS), on Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing (IVMSP), and on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP). She is Founding Chair of the IEEE Signal Processing Washington Chapter. She is currently serving as Area Editor of the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine for its Inside Signal Processing E-Newsletter, as Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security and on Image Processing.

ECE Professor K. J. Ray Liu was also elected President-Elect of IEEE SPS.

For more information about the IEEE SPS, please visit:

Published April 30, 2009