News Story
Liu Wins 2016 IEEE Signal Processing Society Meritorious Service Award

Christine Kim Eminent Professor of Information Technology K.J. Ray Liu (ECE) has been selected to receive the 2016 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Signal Processing Society Meritorious Service Award for exemplary service to and leadership in the Signal Processing Society.
Dr. Liu is a member of IEEE Board of Director as the Division IX Director, and also a member of IEEE Fellow Committee. He was President of IEEE Signal Processing Society (2012-13), in which he has also served as Vice President – Publication (2006-08) and a member on the Board of Governor (2004-Present). He was the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (2003-05), and introduced a new management system and features that significantly improved the scope and content, appealing to broader readership, and undertook the leadership to reach the top-ranked Thomson JCI citation impact out of more than 200 journals in the electrical and electronic area. He was also the founding Editor-in-Chief of EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing (JASP) (2000-02), and the founder of Asia-Pacific Association of Signal and Information Processing (APSIPA) (2007-09). He has served as Director of Graduate Studies and Research, and Associate Chair of Electrical and Computer Engineering Department.
In his capacity as President and President-Elect of IEEE Signal Processing Society, Dr. Liu chaired a committee to conduct a major revision of SPS Bylaws; articulated the establishment of new membership board to offer more values and benefits to members; proposed the Chapter of the Year Award; developed Seasonal Schools; embarked a new online tutorials/educational program called SigView; created a “Signal Processing Cup” to engage students into competitions; started a new flagship conference called GlobalSIP to address newly emerging topics; developed ChinaSIP initiative as an outreach to China; championed a new initiative to provide technical repository services called SigPort; established Special Interest Groups to address new emerging topics; permanently established student travel fund into the operating budget; and launched a visibility effort to gain more prominence for signal processing work.
Dr. Liu is a professor of electrical and computer engineering at The University of Maryland. He leads the Maryland Signals and Information Group (SIG) with research contributions that encompass broad aspects of signal processing and communications, including wireless communications; network science; multimedia signal processing; information forensics and security; bioinformatics; and signal processing algorithms and architectures.
He is the recipient of numerous honors and awards including the IEEE Signal Processing Society 2014 Society Award for “influential technical contributions and profound leadership impact,” the IEEE Signal Processing Society 2009 Technical Achievement Award, and best paper awards from various societies and EURASIP.
The award will be presented at the 42nd annual IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2017 which will take place March 5-9, 2017 in New Orleans, LA.
Published January 4, 2017