News Story
Liu Elected 2018 IEEE Technical Activities Vice President

Christine Kim Eminent Professor of Information Technology and Distinguished Scholar-Teacher K.J. Ray Liu (ECE) has been elected as the 2018 IEEE Technical Activities Vice President-Elect, which will oversee 50+ societies/councils within IEEE. The voting membership of IEEE annually elects officers that serve on the top-tier IEEE governing bodies. The candidates are drawn from recommendations made by divisional and regional nominating committees.
Prof. Liu’s candidacy lies in a vision with strong conviction: Together we are stronger than apart. As the 2018 Technical Activities Vice President, Prof. Liu will refocus IEEE membership to be a true international organization, lead with transparency and consensus building, and create additional products and services to increase membership value. To read more about Prof. Liu’s Position Statement, go here.
Of his nomination, Prof. Liu says, “The support I have received in this election was incredible. I promise and will make sure your voices are heard! Let’s work together to build a stronger and better IEEE community.”
Prof. Liu received his Ph.D. from UCLA in 1990. His research contributions encompass broad areas of signal processing and communications. He is the recipient of the 2016 IEEE Signal Processing Society Meritorious Service Award for “exemplary service to and leadership in the Signal Processing Society,” the 2016 IEEE Leon Kirchmayer Award, the 2014 Society Award for “influential technical contributions and profound leadership impact,” the IEEE Signal Processing Society 2009 Technical Achievement Award, and over a dozen best paper awards. Recognized as a Thomson Reuters Highly Cited Researcher, Prof. Liu is a Fellow of IEEE and AAAS.
Prof. Liu is a member of IEEE Board of Director as the Division IX Director (2016-Present). He was President of IEEE Signal Processing Society (2012-12) and President-Elect (2010-11), in which he also served as Vice President-Publication (2006-08) and a member of the Board of Governor (2004-05). Read more about Prof. Liu’s IEEE activities and accomplishments here.
Published October 11, 2017